Where to bring donations is one of the biggest hurdles to minimizing household items. See my four favorite places to bring donations.

I currently label myself an “aspiring minimalist”. I have not arrived yet at the harmonious place where I only have what I need. It is difficult to break old habits of hanging onto things “just in case. The further along I get in my journey, the easier it becomes to put items in my donation bin. Once they are there I’ve gotten past the mental hurdle of deciding to part with them, only to come the next hurdle of where to bring donations.
At the beginning of my decluttering journey I tried to sell and make money off of everything I could. Our budget was, and still is, tight and the extra dollars afforded us a few more date nights or take out dinners.
Over the years I’ve found that there is much more joy and satisfaction in gifting things I am no longer using to those who want it. My loose rule is: If I can make at least $100 from selling something it is worth the hassle of listing it on my local Facebook swap. Otherwise I find somewhere or someone to donate it.
Our goal in minimizing our household is to only have what we use and need, but not to add to the landfills. As we grow in minimalism we are also trying to grow in sustainability. I have four local places I bring things that can be used by someone else, the true trash and recycling is sorted accordingly.
Where To Bring Donations

Food Pantry
There is a Food Pantry in our town that also household goods to pre-approved shoppers. They are staffed by of amazing volunteers who always greet me with a smile. This is also a great place to take that last sleeve of diapers a little one grew out of too quickly. I love giving to the Food Pantry because it is a local non-profit serving my community directly.

Local Buy Nothing Group
The Buy Nothing Project is an online community where people can give, receive, lend, and borrow things. The group local to me is run through Facebook, though Buy Nothing is working on launching an independent site. I like giving through Buy Nothing because it is personal and I can usually just leave things on our screen porch for people to pick up. My kids also like knowing that the toys and clothes they’ve outgrown are going to specific families; this makes it easier for them to let go.

Local Foster Parent and Child Support Organization
Our local area has a Foster organization that gives directly to children in foster care. They post their immediate needs regularly on their website and are willing to pick things up from my house. Though this option is more anonymous than Buy Nothing I still like knowing that things I’ve downsized are going directly into the hands of someone who can use them.

Goodwill is my last stop for donations. It used to be my go-to stop for dropping off my donation bin. They are the easiest place to bring donations, and the only one on this list that takes furniture. After a few evenings of driven internet research these articles convinced me to look for local options.
Where Do You Bring Donations?
Now that I’ve gone over my answers to “where to bring donations” I would love to hear about YOU!
- How do you decide what to sell and what to donate when downsizing possessions?
- Do you have any favorite places to drop donations that aren’t on my list?
Let me know below!
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